TruNature (新高劑量) 銀杏葉片萃取 Ginkgo Biloba 120mg, 340膠囊

Original price was: TWD $991.Current price is: TWD $721.


TruNature (新高劑量) 銀杏葉片萃取 Ginkgo Biloba 120mg, 340膠囊

Original price was: TWD $991.Current price is: TWD $721.

SKU: TN-Ginkgo Categories: ,

TN-Ginkgo Ginkgo Biloba 120mg – 340 Softgels

產品特色/Description: 銀杏含有白果苦內脂及十餘種黃酮醇類(維他命P,是人體平時很難吸收到的養份)具促進血管擴張而達到血液循環作用.有助改善記憶力減退與其他腦部機能不全的現象.降低視網膜黃斑部退化機率,對高血壓患者也有助益.
*貨品來源: Costco, USA.

每1膠囊含量:銀杏(葉片萃取) Ginkgo Biloba Extract (leaf) 120 mg
-標準萃取一覽表Standardized Extract Profile:類黃酮物質Ginkgo flavon Glycosides ..24%=28.8 mg
白果苦內脂Terpene Lactones…………6% =7.2 mg

Soybean Oil, Gelatin, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Glycerin, Yellow Beeswax, Lecithin, Vinpocetine, Caramel, Titanium Dioxide.

建議用量/Description: 飯後1膠囊,每日2次或依醫師指示服用.

警告/Description: 以上聲明未經美國食品及藥物管理局認可.勿將本產品拿來診斷,治療或預防疾病.孕婦或有任何疾病者,使用前請依照護理人員指示服用.請至於小孩拿不到的地方.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Pregnant or nursing women and individuals currently taking any medication or have an underlying health condition should consult their physician before using this product.


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