Chi’s Enterprise Chi-F促進健康男女荷爾蒙120膠囊

TWD $1,660

Chi’s Enterprise Chi-F促進健康男女荷爾蒙120膠囊

TWD $1,660

SKU: CHI-CHIF Categories: ,

Chi’s Enterprise Chi-F 120 Caps


  • 平衡雌激素、黃體素,增進女性生育能力
  • 平衡睪酮,增進男性生育能力
  • 有效舒緩經前、經期、更年期的各種不舒適
  • 幫助增加 紅血球,血小板,血紅蛋白
  • 改善骨質疏鬆,增加骨頭密度

Chi-F融合了東方和西方的醫療保健方法,幫助男性和女性以最自然的方式達到健康。Chi-F的配方設計包含了當歸、黃芪、香附、川芎、芍藥、丹參,有效調節女性荷爾蒙以紓緩經期不適症狀,改善下降的卵巢狀態,減輕氣血兩虛,減少因荷爾蒙分泌變化而冒出的痘痘。 平衡經期與更年期症狀,痙攣、疼痛、潮熱,移除子宮避孕器後的子宮異常出血。

  • 熱紅潮87.37% /易怒43.01%
  • 失眠23.72% /抑鬱症32.26%
  • 性欲提升89.18 % /疲倦感62.96 %

成份含量/Nutrition Facts: 每2膠囊1000mg /占成人每日所需營養%專利配方
中藥萃取Proprietary Herbal ExtractBlend 1000 mg
–當歸Angelica sinensis
–香附Cyperus rotundus
–川芎Ligusticum chuanxiong
–芍藥Paeonia lactiflora
–熟地黃Rehmannia glutinosa
–丹參Saliva miltiorrhiza

其他成份/Ingredient Details: 不含防腐劑,鈉,人工色素,酵母,動物成份Chi-F不會造成過敏

建議用量/Suggested Use: 作為日常食品補充品.每次2~3膠囊,每日2~3次,飯後服用.
Take 2~3 Capsules, 2~3 times a day after meals, or as directed by your qualified health care consultant.

警告/Warnings: 以上聲明未經美國食品及藥物管理局認可.勿將本產品拿來診斷,治療或預防疾病.孕婦或有任何疾病者,使用前請依照護理人員指示服用.請至於小孩拿不到的地方.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Pregnant or nursing women and individuals currently taking any medication or have an underlying health condition should consult their physician before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.


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