Garden of Life 50 & Wiser Women 50歲以上成熟女性天然維他命120顆(素食膠囊)

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Garden of Life 50 & Wiser Women 50歲以上成熟女性天然維他命120顆(素食膠囊)

Original price was: TWD $1,324.Current price is: TWD $1,155.

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SKU: GL-101472 Categories: ,

Vitamin Code 50 and Wiser Women’s Multi 120 Capsules


專為50歲以上成熟女性設計的純天然綜合維他命,此配方著重於: 乳房保健,骨骼強健, 心血管健康 ,強化消化系統,眼部健康, 記憶及專注力 。 所含養分來自全食內含多種有機蔬果萃取成分,以及天然原料製造的維生素以及礦物質與酵素和益生菌,讓您可以補充一日之所需,保有全然的健康!!愛用者評論:5顆星 (市場上最有效的綜合維他命,沒有任何其他類似維他命取自有機新鮮蔬菜水果;不知道是什麼成份讓我4天後更年期的熱紅潮減輕很多; 我的醫生建議使用此商品,覺得比以前有活力; 腸胃輕鬆消化沒負擔 )

  • 乳房保健:含維他命D及E
  • 骨骼強健:維他命C,D,鈣,鎂及 鋅
  • 心血管健康:維他命B群, 維他命C及E
  • 腸道保健:益生菌,酵素 ,維他命D及 鋅
  • 眼部健康: 維他命A,C,E及鋅
  • 記憶及專注力: 維他命B群,C,D及E
  • 養分來自生機食品;RAW Food-Created Nutrients
  • 不含任何添加物

Grden of life Vitamin Code與一般綜合維他命不同的地方:

  • 來自全食養分(Food-Created Nutrients)
  • 優質生機食物(RAW)
  • 純正 ,不烹調,不加工處理
  • 每一個養分皆來自生機蔬菜及水果
  • 不含 稠合劑-沒有果糖, 麥芽糊,硬脂酸鎂,玉米澱粉


成份含量/Nutrition Facts: 每4膠囊劑量/占成人每日所需營養%卡路里Calories 7
Total Carbohydrate 1 g <1%蛋白質Protein 1 g
Vitamin A Complex*
(Beta-carotene, Alpha-carotene, Gamma-carotene, Lycopene 6,000 IU 120%
Vitamin C* 60 mg 100%
Vitamin D* 1,000 IU 250%
Vitamin E Complex*
(Alpha-tocotrienol, Beta-tocotrienol, Gamma-tocotrienol, Delta-tocotrienol, Alpha-tocopherol, Beta-tocopherol, Gamma-tocopherol) 30 IU 100%
Vitamin K* 50 mcg 63%
Thiamin* (B1) 4 mg 267%
Riboflavin* (B2) 4 mg 235%
Niacinamide* (B3) 20 mg 100%
Vitamin B6* (as Pyridoxine) 4 mg 200%葉酸Folic Acid* 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12* 80 mcg 3333%
生物素Biotin* 300 mcg 100%
泛酸Pantothenic Acid* (B5) 20 mg 200%
鈣Calcium* 36 mg 4%
鐵Iron* 2 mg 11%
碘Iodine* 75 mcg 50%
鎂Magnesium* 43 mg 11%
鋅Zinc* 10 mg 67%
硒Selenium* 125 mcg 179%
銅Copper* 1.5 mg 76%
錳Manganese* 2 mg 100%
鉻Chromium* 120 mcg 100%
鉬Molybdenum* 75 mcg 100%
鉀Potassium* 1 mg <1%
釩Vanadium* 10 mcg +
CoQ10* 500 mcg +硼Boron* 1 mg +
生機綜合類胡蘿蔔素RAW Carotenoid Synergy Blend
Beta-carotene, Alpha-carotene, Gamma-carotene and Lycopene 120 mg +
生機抗氧化和增強免疫力配方RAW Antioxidant and Immune Support Complex
RAW Food-Created Beta-glucans, RAW Food-Created Co-Enzyme Q10, RAW Food-Created Vitamin U, RAW Food-Created Glutathione, RAW Food-Created SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), RAW Mangosteen 86 mg +
活的綜合益生菌和酵素RAW Enzyme and Probiotic Blend
Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plantarum, Proteases, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Phytase, alpha-Galactosidase, Hemicellulase, beta-Glucanase, Glucoamylase, Pectinase, Peptidase, Bromelain, Lactase, Papain, Xylanase, Diastase, Invertase 84 mg +
生機綜合蔬果汁RAW Organic Fruit and Vegetable Blend
Organic Strawberry, Organic Cherry, Organic Blackberry, Organic Blueberry, Organic Raspberry, Organic Beet Juice, Organic Carrot Juice, Organic Broccoli Juice, Organic Cucumber Juice, Organic Tomato Juice, Organic Kale Juice, Organic Spinach Juice, Organic Cabbage Juice, Organic Cauliflower Juice, Organic Celery Juice, Organic Parsley Juice, Organic Asparagus Juice, Organic Brussels Sprout Juice, Organic Green Bell Pepper Juice, Organic Garlic Juice, Organic Ginger Juice, Organic Onion Juice 20 mg +
生機綜合微量礦物質RAW Trace Mineral Blend
Ocean-derived trace minerals in a base of green alfalfa grass 5 mg+

其他成份/Ingredient Details: 含: Brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Lactobacillus bulgaricus, vegetable capsule (cellulose).

建議用量/Suggested Use: 作為日常食品補充品.每日4膠囊.飯後使用.或依醫師指示服用.
Take 4 capsule per day with a meal, or as directed by your qualified health care consultant.

警告/Warnings: 以上聲明未經美國食品及藥物管理局認可.勿將本產品拿來診斷,治療或預防疾病.孕婦或有任何疾病者,使用前請依照護理人員指示服用.請至於小孩拿不到的地方.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Pregnant or nursing women and individuals currently taking any medication or have an underlying health condition should consult their physician before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.


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