Jarrow 高濃度魚油MAX DHA 180軟膠 (TG型)

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $29.90.


Jarrow 高濃度魚油MAX DHA 180軟膠 (TG型)

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $29.90.

JR-052 MAX DHA 180 gels


  • 高濃縮魚油Omega-3
  • 每膠囊含250mg DHA
  • 分子蒸餾科技,去除重金屬,戴奧辛等污染

DHA為 人類腦部,神經系統及視網膜內主要脂肪酸. DHA為Omega 3脂肪酸的一種.
* DHA為孕婦及哺乳媽媽提供胎兒,嬰兒神經系統發展必要成份* DHA也為銀髮族輔助神經系統機能之營養成份Max DHA符合營養成分評議會及製藥等級規範,使用分子蒸餾淨化過程,去除重金屬,汞及環境中毒素.


成份含量/Nutrition Facts: 每1膠囊劑量/占成人每日所需營養%魚油Fish Oil (source of Omega-3) 600mg /*
–DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) 250mg
–EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) 36mg
–Other Omega-3 72mg維他命E Gamma Tocopherol 5mg/*酯化維他命C Ascorbyl Palmitate 2mg /*

其他成份/Ingredient Details: 取自鳳尾魚,沙丁魚.加入維他命E及酯化維他命C以保護長鏈脂肪酸.
Fish Oil (Anchovy and Sardine). Gamma tocopherol and ascorbyl palmitate added for protection of long-chain fatty acids. Softgel consists of gelatin, glycerin and water and is colored with carob as a light barrier. This product is solvent free.

建議用量/Suggested Use: 作為日常食品補充品.每日1-2膠囊.飯後使用.或依醫師指示服用.小孩每日1膠囊Take 1 to 2 softgels with each meal, or as directed by your qualified health care consultant. For pregnancy or lactation, take 1 to 2 softgels per day; for children, give 1 softgel per day

警告/Warnings: 以上聲明未經美國食品及藥物管理局認可.勿將本產品拿來診斷,治療或預防疾病.孕婦或有任何疾病者,使用前請依照護理人員指示服用.請至於小孩拿不到的地方.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Pregnant or nursing women and individuals currently taking any medication or have an underlying health condition should consult their physician before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.


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