Life Extension Neuro-Mag專利神經鎂(腦力記憶增強) 90膠囊

Original price was: TWD $1,328.Current price is: TWD $996.


Life Extension Neuro-Mag專利神經鎂(腦力記憶增強) 90膠囊

Original price was: TWD $1,328.Current price is: TWD $996.

SKU: LE-01603 Categories: ,

Life Extension Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate 90 Caps


  • 特級配方鎂以專利技術Magtein提煉,對抗腦部老化效果卓越,是其他品牌鎂的115%以上
  • 恢復好腦力,不再健忘多鎂好
  • 有助脂肪酸轉換成DHA,事先預防腦部退化
  • 高單位的優質營養成份,每顆膠囊含有特級配方鎂144mg
  • 植物性配方,原料天然質純,是素食者的健康福音
  • 輔助人體吸收鈣、鉀等重要礦物質
  • 好消化、好吸收,特調配方不易引起腹瀉副作用
  • 美國亞馬遜暢銷保健品



成份含量/Nutrition Facts: 每1膠囊劑量/占成人每日所需營養%鎂Magnesium (from 2000 mg Magtein magnesium L-threonate) 144 mg

其他成份/Ingredient Details:
vegetable cellulose (capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable stearate, silica..

建議用量/Suggested Use: 作為日常食品補充品.每日3膠囊.飯前或後皆可.或依醫師指示服用.
Take three capsules daily with or without food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. Magnesium L-Threonate has less of a laxative effect than other forms of magnesium..

警告/Warnings: 以上聲明未經美國食品及藥物管理局認可.勿將本產品拿來診斷,治療或預防疾病.孕婦或有任何疾病者,使用前請依照護理人員指示服用.請至於小孩拿不到的地方.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Pregnant or nursing women and individuals currently taking any medication or have an underlying health condition should consult their physician before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.


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