Olympian Labs Corti Cut 60膠囊

Original price was: TWD $1,364.Current price is: TWD $1,296.


Olympian Labs Corti Cut 60膠囊

Original price was: TWD $1,364.Current price is: TWD $1,296.

SKU: OL-010 Categories: ,

Corti Cut, 60 caps


Corti Cut為最新研發的減肥食品.用於調節血中的*腎上腺皮質固醇(cortisol)濃度,並加入幫助降低飢餓感及平衡血糖的成份.完成以上三步驟可幫助人體燃燒最多的脂肪,在最短的時間減最多體重.
*腎上腺皮質固醇(cortisol)又稱”壓力荷爾蒙”,通常壓力大的人體內分泌較多,這些人常以吃來減輕壓力.如果您屬於這一族群, Corti Cut可以有效幫助減肥.


主要成份/ Supplement Facts:維他命C; Vitamin C 60mg鉻Chromium (as chomium polynicotinate) 50 mcg左旋茶氨酸L-Theanine 100mg磷脂Phospholipids 100mg – Phosphatidylserine (soy phospholipid) Phosphatidylcholine (soy phospholipid), Phosphatidylethanolamine (soy phospholipid), Phosphatidylinositol (soy phospholipid),綜合脂肪酸Essential fatty Acid Blend 20mg (Caprylic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Capric Acid, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Linolenic Acid, Stearic Acid)木蘭屬植物萃取Magnolia Extract 100mg綜合草本(綠茶) Proprietary Herbal Blend 200mg: Rhodiola rosea, Green Tea Extract

建議用量/ Suggested Use:早午飯後1膠囊佳, (有助於後半天調整控制食慾).或依醫師指示服用.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.Pregnant or nursing women and individuals currently taking any medication or have an underlying health condition should consult their physician before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.


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